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The supported model formats include: {{(idx > 0 ? ", " : "") + format}}

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2023-06-02 11:47:00

All about 3MF you need to know
3MF: The File Format Optimized for 3D printing
All about 3MF you need to know
We have added support for 3MF 3D model files. We have tools to convert to and from this new format, tools such as the 3MF to STL , 3MF to OBJ. You can also view your 3MF file directly within your browser.

What is the 3MF format?
The 3MF (3D Manufacturing Format) is a file format used for representing three-dimensional models, particularly in the additive manufacturing industry. It was developed by the 3MF Consortium, which includes companies such as Microsoft, Autodesk, HP, and others.
 3MF format aims to improve the interoperability between different software and hardware systems used in additive manufacturing, making it easier to share and work with 3D models across different platforms.
Is 3MF better than STL?
The 3MF format offers some advantages over the STL format and can be considered a better option in certain situations. Here are some of the key differences:
  1. Support for color and texture information: Unlike the STL format, which only supports geometry information (vertex coordinates and surface normal vectors), the 3MF format also includes color and texture information. This makes it possible to store more visual information about a model, which can be particularly useful for applications such as product design and visualization.
  2. Improved support for multiple objects and components: The 3MF format allows multiple objects and components to be stored within a single file, while the STL format requires separate files for each object. This can make it easier to organize and manage complex models.
  3. Better support for metadata and customization: The 3MF format includes features that allow for the inclusion of metadata and custom data, making it possible to store additional information about a model or to include application-specific information.
These make it easier to manage and process complex 3D models and can help reduce errors during the manufacturing process.  However, since the STL format is widely used and supported by many software and hardware systems in the additive manufacturing industry, it remains an important format for many applications.
What is 3MF used for?
3MF file format designed to be used for 3D printing, additive manufacturing, and other forms of rapid prototyping. The 3MF format provides a way to store 3D models in a way that is optimized for printing and manufacturing, allowing for greater accuracy and efficiency in the manufacturing process.
Additionally, the 3MF format is designed to be open and accessible, making it easier for designers, engineers, and manufacturers to work together and share 3D models.

If you want to know about the process of converting 3MF to stl, you can click here for more infomation.

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